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1650 Silver Hill Dr #1603, McLean VA 22102 Listed

Find A 1 Bedroom Condo in the McLean  Area For $700,000

There are search for elements that weigh in a home shopper's mind, but perhaps none more important than price. This real property is advertised for sale for $700,000. Julie Nesbitt tells us that, depending upon your prequalified spending limit, you might want to ponder this dwelling at 1650 Silver Hill Dr #1603 advertised for sale for $700,000. Continue reading "1650 Silver Hill Dr #1603, McLean VA 22102 Listed"
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8925 Brook Rd, McLean VA 22102 Listed For Sale

A Primer On Homes On The Market In Fairfax County

So, is 8925 Brook Rd the right dwelling for you? Possibly.  To answer that with confidence, Nesbitt Realty has to know the answer to a number of questions. Are you dreaming about a $3,699,000 7-bedroom 7-baths villa, mid-century modern-style place of residence in McLean? Are you seeking a millennial 7-bedroom home in 22102 in McLean? Do you need 7 full baths and 3 half baths? Can you afford $3,699,000? Is it actually worth $3,730,000 or $3,670,000? How would you like Nesbitt Realty to rebate you $22,860 on this next home? Talk to Nesbitt Realty to learn more from the specialists on McLean real estate. Continue reading "8925 Brook Rd, McLean VA 22102 Listed For Sale"
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1603 Westmoreland St, McLean Real Estate Update

Do you want to learn more about real estate in Northern VA?

Is there reason to worry, when spending $2,598,888 for a home like 1603 Westmoreland St in McLean? You could pay too much for the home. However, Will Nesbitt can arrange for a licensed appraiser to make sure you don't pay more than fair market value. What is more, there are other pitfalls which can be challenging to overcome.  Conversely, a real estate professional like Will can manage and overcome pitfalls  associated with buying a detached home in 22101. Continue reading "1603 Westmoreland St, McLean Real Estate Update"
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6833 Lemon Rd, McLean VA 22101 Listed

Mid 20th-Century Home ⁞ ⁞ McLean VA 22101

As of 05/04/2023, 6833 Lemon Rd McLean VA 22101 has been on the market for 0 days. It's currently advertised at $1,225,000. This mid 20th-century property listed at 6833 Lemon Rd now might be the most suitable home for you for you. What is more, even if you are not impressed by what this home can provide, a real estate shopper can benefit from this information. Continue reading "6833 Lemon Rd, McLean VA 22101 Listed"
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Have You Prioritized Your Needs On A 7,093 Sqft Condominium In McLean, Virginia?

Photo of 1120 Guilford Ct I'm a full-time Realtor specializing condominiums in 22101. I like 1120 Guilford Ct. This home in 22101 in Fairfax County looks like a good value for several reasons. However, I'm not recommending you buy this property in particular. That's because, until I know your goals there is no way for me to know if this is the right home for you. Continue reading "Have You Prioritized Your Needs On A 7,093 Sqft Condominium In McLean, Virginia?"

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